African Fund for Endangered Wildlife Kenya limited (AFEW (K) LTD) also known as the Giraffe Centre was founded in 1979 by the late Jock Leslie- Melvile, a Kenyan citizen of British descent and his wife the late Betty Leslie Melvile an American citizen.  Jock’s extra ordinary vision of creating an educational institution in conjunction with rescuing the endangered Rothschild giraffes resulted in the present day Giraffe Centre that has become a World famous Nature Education Centre.

Rothschild Giraffe Breeding

The endangered rothschild giraffe breeding programme started with the inception of the Giraffe Centre back then in 1979. The giraffes breed naturally in an approximate 120 Acerage of land and the young calves born at the centre are introduced back into the wild at the age of 2years. The giraffes at the centre are closely observed and monitored by AFEW staff and when need be their natural diet is supplemented with Lucern Grass, salt blocks and carrots. Ever since the breeding started, the centre has handled over 50 Rothschild Giraffes and most of them have been introduced back into the wild in selected Kenya’s protected areas.

The Giraffe Centre is a Non-Profit making organization whose main objective is to provide conservation education for school children and the youth of Kenya. All our education programmes are offered to them free of charge. The Giraffe Centre derives 90% of its funds from the entrance fee collected and from the sales in the gift shop and teahouse. Therefore, by visiting us and/or making purchase from our shop and teahouse you have contributed towards conservation education to the Kenyan youth. GIRAFFE CENTRE